About Us

Sushram is for the grassroots, for rural and disadvantaged, for women and children, for farmers, livelihood and health


Sushram is a new refreshing kind of charity. 100% transparent, every project we do - we will report on it extensively. Where did the funding go? Did the community benefit from it; including individual stories, photos, videos.

Sushram’s philosophy is to focus on Livelihood activities – be it in Agriculture or cottage industry or value add activities like trading efficiencies or rural farmers, artisans and other workers. The NGO will also participate in areas of basic education (Children and adults), WildLife & environmental projects, Legal representation assistance to economically poor and women’s health e.g. pre and post-natal health.


Sushram aims to uplift the quality of life of rural and disadvantaged people across the world through direct intervention or financial or capability uplift of existing partner NGOs.


Sushram’s vision is one of equality and opportunity for all through individual or community based interventions.


Sushram’s biggest values are transparency, intervention at speed, respect for anyone and everyone.